Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hannah Porter

In August 2013, God sent my sister and I on our first incredible trip to Haiti, I fell in love instantly! I love Haiti, and I love the amazing people of Haiti! I knew I would be back soon, but I had no idea it would be only five short months later!!! I cannot begin to describe how blessed I feel to be going back this soon, to this place I love so dearly and with this awesome team that God has brought together! I get to experience this trip again with my sister, but this time with my mom as well! My sister and I can't wait to experience Haiti with her, and can't wait for her to experience Haiti for herself! I am so excited to be going back and to see what the Lord has in store for our team this week, no doubt that it will be once again, life changing and miraculous!

Bondye beni'ou!

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