Our tap-tap met a water truck at three different stops in Cite Soleil. As people saw the truck coming, they came out of their homes with empty buckets waiting to be filled. Some of us filled buckets with water while others helped carry full buckets back to homes and others of us were able to play with & love on the children who were so full of joy.
We had the privilege of visiting Hope Church which has been a work-in-progress for the last couple of years and the first worship service was held this past Sunday! The site where this church was built is unreal - like nothing I've ever seen. Built on the site of a dump inside this slum, construction crews had to dig down through some 40 feet of trash and an additional 40+ feet just to find ground solid enough to build on. Healing Haiti's vision for this beautiful church is to pass it on to the Haitian people now that it is up and running.
We were also able to stop at the Haitian Initiative where young boys come to play soccer, receive meals packed by Feed My Starving Children, and spend a couple days each week learning English.
We are all so thankful for the incredible opportunities we had today and are excited for what God has in store for the days ahead!
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