What an amazing day! We delivered clean water in Cite Soleil. The people had so much hope and joy in their eyes. The children came over to us and wanted to sing and play. I sang Jesus Loves Me and many of them asked me to sing it over and over until they could sing it with me. They kept saying "chante" which means sing. The people have so much joy in their hearts. God is their provider. Their faith is so strong and the
light of Christ shines through them. I was blessed today. My heart has been filled with joy . The chilren's laughter and their smiles brought much joy to my heart. Ke bondye beni' ou (may God bless you in Creole)!

I love reading all of your updates! Kathy you have such a gift, I can see the joy on your face. I am praying for you all everyday and we are with in heart.