Today we took the children from Grace Village up the road an hour to a beautiful beach so that they could play in the water and have lots of fun! There was much splashing, laughing, singing, dogg-pattling, and playing soccer, etc. At departure time as the sun was beginning to set we took this great group photo of our entire team after an amazing day in so many ways.
Quite soon after our arrival, Sandy noticed Isaac wasn't in the water but instead just sitting on the rocky beach gazing out and rather still. Sandy sat next to him and eventually he leaned in. With the help of an interpreter she learned that he had a headache. Bummer! All of his friends were expending so much excitement in and out of the water and he did not feel well enough to fully participate. So she held him, she held him, and she held him while providing some shade under her floppy sun hat (chapo). He just laid back against her. Very few words were spoken. She wrapped a wet bandana around his head and intermittantly massaged his temples and head softly in an attempt to relieve his discomfort. After some lunch, she held him some more and on the ride back in the tap-tap, Isaac sat on her lap and gazed ahead down the road back to his new home on a mountainside. He glanced back at her and smiled with his eyes.
Isaac doesn't have a mother and father in his current earthly family. He does live with 40 brothers and sisters in Haiti. Isaac also has many other people who love him but today he got some lengthy comforting touch time for his general wellbeing as a child of God.
Sandy no longer has her mother and father in her earthly life. Sandy lives by herself in Minnesota. Sandy does have a brother and sister and special extended family and many people who love her but today she got some lengthy comforting touch time for her general wellbeing as a child of God.
Simply put: In the body of Christ, we are never orphans completely on our own.
We know from experience that Sandy gives the best hugs ever!